Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Learning and Loving

Dear family,

It's been a good but in some ways hard week. We lost our progressing investigator Juan Carlos. We found out he actually lives in the neighboring Spanish ward so he will be going there. But it was such a wonderful week with him. We loved him so much and I will miss working with him. Hopefully I will soon see on our President's weekly e-mail that he was baptized over there :). But we did gain a new progressing investigator who was attending that other ward (so I guess we did a trade off :) ). His name is Galo. He is doing well. We've taught him twice and he came to church yesterday! He has a strong desire to find out more about the church since his sister joined 15 years ago. He's been a devote Catholic but wants to find out if all we say is true. His date is the 2nd of September.

It's been a pleasure to work with Hna. Sundblom! I feel so many times like she came "pre-trained". Right now we're focusing on our finding methods and how to change so that we can get more progressing investigators. There have got to be so many who are ready we just have to find them! With faith and the humility to listen to the Spirit, we will :) 

 I hope you enjoy the pics! in order: Sunrise in Toronto, The View from our Balcony, First Day with Hna. Sundblom, Lola's Baptism (July 15th)

Have a great week!
Hna. Cottam

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